25 August 2008

Photos and videos of the conference

A new section, with more than 40 videos and almost 150 photos of the conference, is now available on the conference website! Look in the homepage ‘Contacts’ menu.

17 August 2008

Conference numbers

Nearly 190 people attended the IX ICPP (including organizing staff), from 16 different countries: Italy, Israel, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, France, Luxemburg, the USA, Belgium, Finland, and the UK. There were also virtual contributions from 6 non-participating countries: Columbia, Ecuador, Ireland, Mexico, Moldova, and Peru.

During the conference there were 44 lectures (including 8 plenary sessions), 16 workshops, 6 forums and 7 workgroups (philosophical cocktails, cafés, lunches, P4C sessions and public debates).

The conference website pages have been visited more than 9.000 times by people all over the world: 27 countries in Europe, 11 in Asia, 10 in Africa, 8 in the Americas, plus Australia and New Zealand (data refers to English version only).

09 August 2008

Photos of the conference

Some photos of the conference can now be found on the conference website. Look in the 'Contacts' menu. If any of you have other photos you would like to send in, please forward them to the webmaster.

Also you could see really artistic photos of the conference in the website of Francesco Brotzu and in the personal web of Maria João Neves, of Jorge Humberto Dias, and of Jaume Puigferrat, where you can find a nice section dedicated to Carloforte conference with photos and lots of videos.